Showing posts with label KNOWLEDGE UNIVERSAL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label KNOWLEDGE UNIVERSAL. Show all posts

Sunday, January 3, 2016

RUSSIA: THE MOUNTAINS OF ADYGEA found two skulls aliens and a suitcase with the emblem of the AHNENERBE OF SS

 According to the journalists of the newspaper Komsomolskaya streets Pravda” and “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”, the two skulls with the mysterious briefcase, with a drawing, i.e. the emblem of the Ahnenerbe, would have been recently found in the mountains of Adygea of the Caucasus region. The discovery in the mountains of southern Russia of Adygea, relating to the discovery of a mysterious briefcase with two skulls, is doing the rounds of the globe, but few people talk about it.

The two skulls would not be human, but belonging to unknown creatures, not yet identified by the Russian scientists who have rediscovered, as said above, strong correlations with the emblem of the Ahnenerbe (visible on the suitcase), probably belonging to the company most secret inside of the SS, which he devoted himself to the study of the occult forces and supernatural.

These objects found have aroused great interest among the experts. Historians know many details on the history of the Edelweiss of the Wehrmacht, referred the Star Alpine Edelweiss German, distinctive of the first division hunters of the Wehrmacht that was carried on the cap and on the sleeves, the soldiers themselves who have planted Nazi flags on the top of Mount Elbrus, the highest mountain in Europe, which is located in the Republic of Kabardino Balkaria - in the Russian Caucasus. Researchers have said that it is probable that the SS members were involved in the mysteries of the ancient dolmen due to the high natural radioactivity in the zone of the canyon Kishinski. It is also possible that they were looking for the gold of Kuban Rada, lost somewhere in the region during the Russian Civil War (1917-1923). The researchers were also astounded by the discovery mdi a German map of the territory of Adygeya, dating back to 1941, map very accurate and complete in detail

However, nobody knows what was the purpose of this secret organization which operated in the mountains of Adygea. The discovery in the forest of an ethnographic complex in the village of Belovodie Kamennomostsky, skulls mysterious came afloat thanks to the story of a man of the place, an elder. “A man of the place elder has brought a great bag with a handle in the skin of brown and an emblem of the secret society Ahnenerbe, printed on the lid of the same briefcase”, explains the owner of the village of Belovodie, Mr Vladimir Melikov. This elderly man was a true hermit who lived and still live in a hut in the woods, but no one knows exactly where.

The Hitler Germany has participated actively in the development of new types of weapons capable of changing the course of the war. In the group of Ahnenerbe there were 350 experts who worked with a brilliant education, a great scientific career and had various degrees. The Ahnenerbe, was composed of a study group, where precisely were scientific research on everything that was strange and mysterious that existed in the world, besides to have made shipments in Tibet, the Antarctic and the Caucasus, also looking for contacts with UFOs for the secret of absolute power.
Few people know that, some years before the war, German experts of this secret organization, had offered help to the USSR concerning the construction of the tunnel secrets, roads and forts located between the Pitsunda and lake Ritsa (from the coast of the Black Sea through the natural reserve of the mountain, now called Abkhazia). Presumably all this happened for reasons of international cooperation. At the end of the works, the German experts have found a tragic death, after their car had fallen in the ditch on a curve. Still, today, the tourists flock to the Lake Ritsa where are located the tunnel built by the Germans.

“The living water of Ritsa”
Since then, it has been found that the reasons for the construction of this strategic road were different. It has been observed that the hydrologists of Ahnenerbe had established that the composition of water drawn (highly alkaline) from a source located in a cave under the lake Ritsa, was ideal for the production of human plasma. “The living water “ Lake Ritsa in Abkhazia, was transported by the Nazi Ahnenerbe with vases in silver, directly on the Black Sea coast, then through a submarine arrived in the city of Constance in Romania, then finally, in aircraft were back in Germany. Bormotov, professor of economics and management of large companies to Maikop Been Technological University, explains that the Nazis of this secret society, also had plans for the construction of a secret tunnel to pass the submarine that acted as a shuttle between the Black Sea and Lake Ritsa, but work on the construction of this tunnel, were interrupted by the war. The work of this tunnel were entrusted to 49° armed body of the Wehrmacht, who made the climb the famous on Mount Elbrus.
In the autumn of 1942, the airport Maikop had become the seat of the 3rd Squadron - 14 group of reconnaissance of the Luftwaffe, which had the famous twin FW-189, aircraft from reconnaissance short-range, low-wing, produced by the German company Focke-Wulf Flugzeugbau AG in the Forties. Aircraft were equipped with sophisticated instruments, acting mainly by flying laboratories. "This was more than sufficient to protect investigations under cover by the Ahnenerbe in the mountains of Adygea", says Bormotov. "Maikop was the city where the Wehrmacht had its headquarters. From there it was exercised control of all the military campaign in Germany in the Caucasus. In the autumn of 1942 in the mountains of Adygea there was the line of defense where isolated groups of German soldiers were penetrated in the depths of the mountains.
It is not clear why the troops were deployed on Monte Pshekish in August 1944, when the first line of defense had withdrawn toward the west. The Nazis did not have time to finish the work of construction of the tunnel deep on Monte Pshekish, and it is a real mystery, since at that time there were investigations of the experts of the Ahnenerbe”.
There are those who assumed that the Nazis were interested in ancient tapirs, buildings prehistoric Atlantis and ports temporal space that linked worlds and parallel universes. Even today we can still speak of unusual events in the area. Recently the local press has spoken of the discovery, during some archaeological excavations, skeletons high three meters belonging to a human race unknown in that of Georgia, exactly in the throat of Borjomi.

The photographs of the skulls were sent to some paleontologists of capital, but these have reacted with little enthusiasm. Only Vladimir Melikov has admitted that he had never seen anything like it in his life. The paleontologists have however suggested prudence, perhaps it is of the skulls of sheep; the skulls were long and are very distorted. Researchers feel that these skulls could also fall into the hands of the “magic” of Hitler that was looking for extraordinary artifacts. Incidentally, some experts, looking at images of these skulls were immediately clear. These are the skulls of Annunaki of ancient Sumeria: “From heaven” cornute divinity, participated in the creation of the world.

The source is to be found in the books of the American writer Zecharia Sitchin, Azeri origin, which identifies the people of Annunaki as the inhabitants of Nibiru, a hypothetical planet of the solar system with an eccentric orbit. Because of the astronomical movements, this planet appears in the visual field of the Earth once every 3,600 years. According Sitchin, in this period the inhabitants of Nibiru landed on earth to have a contact with aborigines of then, i.e. with us. “We are able to build all types of versions and conjecture, but the remains found in the mountains of Aguideya must make us reflect,” said through an interview to the daily Komsomolskaya streets Pravda, the Academician Prof.Bormotov Ivan.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Frequencies RNA/DNA and manipulation of the population

The recent, voluminous assay of David Icke, “Cheating of reality and the deceitfulness of perception,” contains, in addition to the insights of the themes that the British author comes from some years, new and interesting insights that you can relate to the problem for antonomasia, the clandestine biogeoengineering.

We estimate immediately the objection of those who consider Icke ambiguous figure and not entirely credible: let us concentrate on the message and not the messenger. If the message fits well as a tile in the mosaic that for years we are composing means that it must be meditate and study with serenity and discernment to decide what is plausible and what is not.

We now come to the point, i.e. to the topic frequencies and their connection with the RNA/DNA that you can change (alter) not only by chemical, but also to track a vibrations.

Writes Icke, based on the information of the musicologist Steve Clarke: “The harmonic frequencies, also defined overtones or ipertones, are expressions of a primary frequency. When pluck the rope of a guitar or a violin, for example the note “the” (corresponding to 440 hertz, i.e. 440 vibrations per second), this is the primary frequency or fundamental, but at the same time, this triggers other cycles that is relayed in a recurring sequence and predictable (this is what also happens with the resonance Schumann, the “heartbeat” of the Earth, n.d.r.) and which together produce the music we hear. The primary frequency, in this case 440 hertz, is called the first harmonic, 880 hertz is the second harmonic etc. […] Someone has adjusted the tones, using genetic engineering and other techniques to synchronize the body-mind of human beings with certain tones and frequencies, forming of the standing waves. Standing waves are created when identical waves collide and in terms of forward movement will cancel each other. At the moment in which a wave erases the other produces a resonant wave that “runs on the spot”, then the waves take the form of peaks and grooves. The height of the Peaks (crests, n.d.r.) depends on the frequency. This shape reminds the DNA which is a phenomenon in the configuration of the wave. The DNA is actually a sound wave and can be edited by other sound waves that sync your own frequency with his. […] The destructive synchronization occurs when the frequencies inharmonious vibrate other frequencies (such as those of the earth and the energy fields humans) in a state of imbalance and distortion”. […]
The vibrations state of the RNA/DNA is synchronized with the false reality of the matrix (the “reality” reduced to the Tiny range of frequencies coinciding with the visible light, n.d.r.). Not only that, this situation also entails disabling many DNA strands, leaving only two. (In fact some scientists speculate that a time the human DNA had twelve filaments… n.d.r.). A significant fact is that the musical frequency standard - that of the Diapason - because of the elites, was officially fixed to 440 Hertz to note “the”, which corresponds to the change of all other notes. This rule was adopted in 1917 by the American Federation of Musicians and in 1920 became the standard us; in Germany in 1939 the National Socialists imposed that the note “the” was granted on 440 hertz.

“Before the standardization of the tuning fork to 440 Hertz (unification already advocated at the end of the nineteenth century by the Church of Rome and opposed by Giuseppe Verdi, n.d.r.), the frequency was mostly fixed to 432 hertz. The original Stradivarius violin was built to be granted to 432 Hertz which is a multiple of 54 cycles of 8: this is the vibration which harmonizes the two hemispheres of the brain. The real universe should be based on a series of frequencies and harmonics, series including the numbers 72, 144 and 432, which is very interesting, because 72 is obtained by multiplying 9 x 8; 144 is the result of 18 x 8 and 432 54 x 8”.

The numbers 8, 72, 144, 432 rely too often in various traditions (myths, religions, art etc.) to be random and are sacred numbers, where the 440 it is not. The Institute Schiller, with headquarters in Washington D.C., fights for the restoration of the intonation to 432 hertz, arguing that “the current standard might cause a harmful effect on health and an antisocial behavior”. The 440 hertz are dissonant. […] When the inner ear is under stress due to artificial interference (for example, the buzz of Taos, n.d.r.), we can experience a sort of brain fog or groggy feel. The DNA operates in accordance with the principles of the Phi and the number of the Fibonacci and is able to oscillate to protect themselves from the environment and from the wear and tear deriving from pattern of interference of the mechanical waves and electromagnetic forces.

The theme recurs: Dr Andrija Puharic, already in the fifties of the twentieth century, discovered that the frequencies affect the behavior and perception as well as on the RNA/DNA. The 8 hertz are connected to a state of awareness and sensitivity, 10, 8 hertz to anger and aggression, the 6.6 Hertz to depression. This is a compendium of part inferred from the chapter titled “The Matrix is a stationary wave (as well as the DNA)”. The description includes many other aspects and an aspect which assume that further research and reflections. We believe that, at least for now, may be sufficient these notes. We invite readers to analyze the subject which is rather complex, but rich in “synchronizes” belonging both to the tradition is to science, the real one, not a pseudo-science of Holocaust deniers and barons university students.

Mysterious "perforated clouds" make their appearance in the skies of Louisiana and Mississippi (USA)

Everything happened Tuesday 26 December, when the U.S. network of weather warning of the site, reported that NASA was attracted by a phenomenon familiar, i.e. that of perforated clouds, that are formed when the temperature of the water in the clouds is less than zero, but the water is still not frozen because of the lack of particles of ice. The images recorded by NASA are nothing short of worrying and show a series of “perforated clouds” cover the heavens of American States of Louisiana and Mississippi.

But the thing that has attracted the attention of NASA is a picture taken from one of the satellites weather, who photographed not one but a series of perforated clouds that occurs for several kilometers above the surface of the earth. When the ice crystals form, it triggers a domino effect which causes the water droplets around the crystals evaporate, leaving a large hole in the cloud.

This is perhaps of experiments of Geoengineering, or HAARP? Very strange that NASA does not know anything about it.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The results of the tests on the DNA carried out on the skulls of Paracas, say that "ARE NOT HUMAN" VIDEO!

In 1928, the Peruvian archaeologist Julio Tello, made a surprising discovery: a huge cemetery containing tombs full of remains of individuals with larger elongated skulls are present throughout the world, the so-called skulls of Paracas. In total, the archaeologist Tello found over 300 of these elongated skulls, which is believed to date back to about 3,000 years ago. Subsequently, were conducted DNA analysis on one of the skulls and the expert Brien Foerster, released the first information concerning these skulls enigmatic.

The cranial volume is up to 25% larger and 60% heavier of human skulls traditional in the sense that they could not be intentionally deformed. Moreover also contain a single wall plate, instead of two. The fact that the characteristics of the skulls are not the result of a deformation of the skull, means that the cause of the elongation is a mystery and this was it for decades. It is well known that most of the elongated skulls are the result of a deformation of the skull, wherein the skull is intentionally deformed by applying a force at the level of the parietal lobes, frontal and OCCUPATIONAL skull for a long period. Usually, the pressure exerted on the skull, is made by ligating the head between two pieces of wood or rebind time the head with the canvas. However, while the cranial deformation changes the shape of the skull, does not alter its volume, weight or other characteristics that are peculiar to a human skull normal. The skulls Paracas, however, are different.

Mr Juan Navarro, owner and director of the Museum of History Paracas, which hosts a collection of 35 skulls of Paracas, has allowed the sampling on 5 of the skulls. These tests have been carried out by taking the samples consisting of hair, including roots, a tooth, a bone of the skull and the skin. This process has been carefully documented with photos and videos. Even the late Lloyd Pye, founder of the project Starchild, had collaborated in the delivery of the samples to a geneticist in Texas for DNA testing.

He will report on the results of the geneticist: "In mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) were present unknown mutations in any human being, primate animal or known so far. The results were amazing and Brien Foerster, author of more than ten books, famous authorities on ancient elongated heads of the people of South America, had just revealed the preliminary results of the analysis. Some fragments of this sample, indicate that we are dealing with a new creature of human type, very distant from the Homo sapiens by Neanderthal and from Denisovans. The implications are huge and I am not sure that it will adapt to the known evolutionary tree of the human race”, wrote Foerster.
He also added that: “If individuals of Paracas were so different biologically, would not have been able to cross with human beings.” The results must be replicated to multiple times and consequently many more analysis must be carried out before definitive conclusions can be drawn. We will give you an update on the development of this fascinating mystery.

To you the WISDOM through this video: PLAY


There is a growing number of people who believe that the rover of NASA, have never left the Earth. What NASA tells us lies for many years, this by now it is well-known, but this news that turns on the web, if it is real, it would indeed be a bomb at the level of the media.

In the first place, the images that are presumably by sending from Mars are taken in remote areas of our planet. But if the rover of NASA are not on Mars, then where are exactly?

First of all, the evidence suggests that the images that we see on the web site of NASA, are not even registered by rover curiosity and opportunity. It is very likely that henceforth the two rover are held in a hangar, somewhere at the headquarters of the NASA-JPL, and were replaced by their siblings smaller and more practical. But NASA then is falsifying a part or all of the missions on Mars, to hide something big to humanity, perhaps something "alien!", or is it just a mistake of our assessment?

One of the known places where NASA is creating its FAKE with these small rover, is the area of Devon Island, Canada. (It is worth noting that Devon Island is "the largest uninhabited island on earth", which seems to be a fairly good location percreare a false photographic service of Mars).

Just take a look at these recorded images in the video below to realize what NASA is doing behind the scenes….

To you the WISDOM through this video: PLAY

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


According to the simulation each time passing through the core of the Earth, the particles that make up the dark matter, the nature of which is still quite unknown, you will descend upon in 'Roots' which is progressively thinned out in long strands up to one million kilometers.


The Solar System, the earth, and all the other planets, would be wrapped in long strands or “hair” made of dark matter. The invisible matter that occupies almost 27% of the Universe would invest constantly our planet, as well as all other celestial bodies, crossing the core and producing long filaments. The indicates the simulation published in the Astrophysical Journal and conduct in the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) of the Nasa from the group of Gary Prezeau. The filaments or hair facts of this matter mysterious, would also of nodes that would form when the dark matter passes through the layers of the Earth that have different densities, from inner core to the external one, up to the mantle and the crust. The difference in the density of these layers would be reflected in the structure of the filaments.

The only light of his presence and the gravity that exerts on ordinary matter, that is to say, that which we see and of which we are made we also be human and that would be just 5% of the cosmos; the remaining 68% would be composed of dark energy, which is thought to be the engine of the acceleration of the expansion of the universe.
If you could observe the nodes of dark matter, their characteristics could tell how it's done the internal structure of other planets. Unfortunately, this is still impossible because the dark matter has never been directly observed. According to the physical is made of particles cold and obscure, that do not emit light and even interact with it. According to the calculations and simulations over the past ten years, in the Milky Way there would be streams of dark matter that move at the same speed of our galaxy. “A stream can be much larger than the Solar System, and there are many streams that pass in our neighborhood,” said Prezeau. And when one of these 'current' passes through a planet like the Earth which, according to the simulation, the particles are concentrated in very thin filaments and very dense, hair-like.
Astronomers call it Cosmic Web, a network immense that permeates the Universe, made up of many strands, among the largest structures ever existing, where every single stranded and turn a set of gas, galaxies and clusters of galaxies, which surrounds the voids of the universe itself. Today, a team of researchers, using one of the telescopes of the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii, reveals for the first time a part of this network of filaments, shedding light on the mysterious structure of the Universe.

To you the WISDOM through this video: PLAY

Sunday, November 29, 2015


The film that we show you, regards the recording of a presumed “extraterrestrial contact” (or interaction with entity ET) that it is recorded by a group of members of the CSETI commanded from the Dr. Steven Greer, during a training of advanced conscience (Remote not local conscience and View via Consciousness” – to visualize at a distance with the knowledge). The event has been the result of an invitation started from the members of the CSETI, using form-thought and of meditation, famous also like, Protocol CE-5. The fact has happened the evening of 27 January 2015 to Vero Beach, city of United states situated in Florida, the County of Indian River.
The CE-5 is one of the debated protocols more and at a distance interests the access of group to the not local conscience, continuation from “Remote Viewing” (vision, through the knowledge) of spaceship ET or of people to great distance or neighbors. Once that an object or person comes “captured” and observed, the process is invert and the object or person is directed to the place of search of the CSETI via CIV, one element that transmits from earth a direction of the visual thought. To the object/person ET is clearly shown our coordinates via element CIV. The experiment of search ET, second such protocol, tries of RV the object (“Remote View via Consciousness” – to visualize at a distance with the knowledge), to connect itself to its telemetries system CAT and to transmit or to guide the object to our precise place.

The witnesses are sure that the mysterious sighted and recorded lights, were UFO, but second other people, these two lights are of Bengal of signal ling of the American artillery. A member of the CSETI, Mark Simmons has said: “I was there and to look with a pair of AN/PVS-7B, glasses for the night vision. Not there were airplane in that zone in the sky, before, during and after the manifestation of these lights that all we have seen. Moreover, I have not seen the smoke, and if they had been Bengal would have been seen immediately. Any type of smoke would be illuminated by the flares and a wake of smoke/spandrel would have been visible in the glasses Infrared after the event. Here below the film that I consider very interesting.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


New record to the teleportation: the information contained in a particle of light was transferred through an optical fiber at 100 kilometers away, four times farther away than the previous record. The result, announced in the magazine Optica from the US-based Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), demonstrates that the internet super fast based on quantum physics and increasingly close. In contrast to what is described in the stories of science fiction, the teleportation carried out in the experiment consists in the transfer (or better, in the reconstruction at a distance) of the physical properties of a particle of light (photon).

Researchers were able to transmit it to another photon through 102 kilometers of optical fiber wound in their laboratory in Colorado. Other research groups in the past had already teleported photons on distances even higher through the air, but the choice to use as a means the conventional optical fibers offers the possibility to draw networks more flexible, also with a view to a future network super fast internet based on the principles of quantum mechanics. The experiments made previously had proved that the optical fiber involved such a dispersion of data by limiting the transmission in the stream is in the distance covered. The new technique of teleportation of the NIST could be used precisely to overcome this problem by producing the 'repeaters' quantum bouncing periodically data thus allowing greater extension of the network. It had previously been thought that these repeaters could be based only on atoms or the matter, but this new study shows that could be developed more easily thanks to the light, allowing even greater transmission speed.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

13 Skulls of Biblical Glint-eye found in Mexico! Astonishing, the giants are really exist

One of the men was buried with a tortoise shell placed on the abdomen.
Infant burial. Bracelet and earrings.
The Mexican scientists tell us that these skulls dating back about 1,000 years ago and that skulls of this nature have never been found in this region of Mexico before now. Exactly, what's going on? These elongated skulls are simply the product of an ancient technique known as "cradle-boarding", or is there another explanation? In reality they could be the skulls of the places Glint-eye that demonstrate that an ancient breed of hybrids once hovered on the planet? The truth could be shocking. This discovery has made headlines around the world. A lot of people are going out of head because these skulls certainly does not seem to be human at first sight. What could cause the elongation so evident of a human skull? Well, without a doubt the "cradle-boarding" (also known as the deformation of the skull, the flattening of the head or head binding) may result in a elongated skull of a child. It is a decent explanation for most of the specimens of elongated skull found anywhere in the world. However, it cannot be used as explanation for all. In fact, some specimens of elongated skull found may not have been produced by cradle-boarding.

O'Brien Foerster and an expert is busy widely of this phenomenon. According to him, there is no possibility that some of the specimens found in Peru, have been created through the process of deliberate cranial deformation.

He discovered that, while most of the skulls show clear signs of deliberate cranial deformation, there is a percentage of skulls, i.e. those which are found in Paracas, Peru, which are anatomically different and cannot be explained as products of practices of flattening.

The cemetery pre-hispanic is located 300 meters from the village of Onavas, Sonora.
Currently scientists still do not grasp fully what the data are telling them. The theories that have the media as "facts" are in reality only theories that have pulled out of their imagination. But what these scientists are beginning to understand is that things really strange has happened to the human genome in the ancient world, and it is also, what the ancient texts recount. Many ancient texts (including the Bible) tell us that long ago a group of fallen angels coupled with human women have produced a breed of hybrid creatures known as Glint-eye.
Skull of Paracas
A short video report of this discovery:

Monday, November 23, 2015

A mysterious 'PYRAMID' on the planet CERES: THE VIDEO!

Is high about 5 kilometers. Identified eight other bright spots on the planet nano.

A pyramid that rises on an area relatively flat on the planet Cerere. This the last discovery of the probe Dawn of regarding the planet nano to witness to him the last images published by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) of the Nasa. "The surface of Cerere/Ceres shows unique characteristics and very interesting," noted Carol Raymond, deputy chief researcher of the Dawn mission. "For example - adds - moons icy present in the Solar System more peripheral have craters with central holes, but on Cerere these structures are much more common. These and other features enable us to understand the innermost structure of the planet, that we cannot perceive directly".

A new view has also shown the stains more small in the crater, first not visible. At least eight spots can be seen near the area more bright, that researchers estimate be about 9 kilometers. Cause of the flare and a highly reflective material, ice, and salt probably, even if you are also considering other options. Using the mapping with the infrared spectrometer researchers can in fact identify minerals present on the way in which light is reflected. In addition to the bright spots, the latest images show a mountain in the shape of a pyramid high about 5 kilometers. There is also a wide evidence of past geological activity, with landslides and structures have collapsed.


Sunday, November 22, 2015

DISCOVERY SHOCK of a PENTACLE of 360 meters can be seen from the space!! ( VIDEO)

There are always mysteries that you can find on the service offered by Google. In particular, a discovery that has been around the web is that of a pentacle in Kazakhstan with a diameter of 366 meters and in fact visible from orbit.

Google Maps (formerly called Google local) is a public service accessible to all that allows you to be able to “explore” good part of the planet earth also thanks to the service of geolocation and is based on a variant of the Mercator projection. At coordinates 52 ° 28 '47.14 “,+ N 62 ° 11 '08.4 “ and you will have opportunity to observe with your eyes this amazing discovery and then have a certified proof of its existence. Some assumptions say that it is a radical manifestation of satanic worship practiced in the region. The pentacle is a symbol in many cultures and in our society has a meaning especially esoteric linked to black magic, to satanism and witchcraft. What do not explain is how long and how they made this effigy. You can directly observe the phenomenon on the official website of Google Maps.

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