The event, cataloged by MUFON (Mutual Ufon Network) with the abbreviation 58504 dates back to July 29 of last year. Protagonist, a man residing in Ontario, one of the most populous Canadian provinces. The witness can be observed and manages to capture, in the middle of the day, an object not identified that flies over the area at low altitude while standing under a military aircraft in transit.The object is unusual maneuvers and draws the attention of the man who snaps a photo and it runs a short video that, subsequently, will send investigators to the organization evolved into interviewing experiences united states for further study. No particular description accompanies the images if not the one that the UFO suddenly retracted with the speed of a bullet. Bob Mitchell, the investigator who has been involved in the case, says that the size of the images is far too small to be examined in depth, so many that the object is not detectable, which is however possible to do in the photo attached to the video: in it, in fact, it can be clearly seen an object of disc-shaped and silvery, positioned under the military aircraft. The next interview carried out with the witness adds to the case interesting elements: the UFO did not reveal any sound, it had no wings, neither lights nor propellers visible.
The size, comparable roughly half of the military aircraft, they were still all respect. Man, in that moment accompanied by some of my friends says that the strange boat does not note in the pictures because of too much light and consequently it was impossible to see it even with the naked eye. Otherwise, in the photograph, on the other hand managed to capture it thanks to the changed conditions of visibility.
(credit MUFON)
The case has been classified by MUFON as has not been identified.
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