Showing posts with label SECRETS-ILLUMINATI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SECRETS-ILLUMINATI. Show all posts

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Frequencies RNA/DNA and manipulation of the population

The recent, voluminous assay of David Icke, “Cheating of reality and the deceitfulness of perception,” contains, in addition to the insights of the themes that the British author comes from some years, new and interesting insights that you can relate to the problem for antonomasia, the clandestine biogeoengineering.

We estimate immediately the objection of those who consider Icke ambiguous figure and not entirely credible: let us concentrate on the message and not the messenger. If the message fits well as a tile in the mosaic that for years we are composing means that it must be meditate and study with serenity and discernment to decide what is plausible and what is not.

We now come to the point, i.e. to the topic frequencies and their connection with the RNA/DNA that you can change (alter) not only by chemical, but also to track a vibrations.

Writes Icke, based on the information of the musicologist Steve Clarke: “The harmonic frequencies, also defined overtones or ipertones, are expressions of a primary frequency. When pluck the rope of a guitar or a violin, for example the note “the” (corresponding to 440 hertz, i.e. 440 vibrations per second), this is the primary frequency or fundamental, but at the same time, this triggers other cycles that is relayed in a recurring sequence and predictable (this is what also happens with the resonance Schumann, the “heartbeat” of the Earth, n.d.r.) and which together produce the music we hear. The primary frequency, in this case 440 hertz, is called the first harmonic, 880 hertz is the second harmonic etc. […] Someone has adjusted the tones, using genetic engineering and other techniques to synchronize the body-mind of human beings with certain tones and frequencies, forming of the standing waves. Standing waves are created when identical waves collide and in terms of forward movement will cancel each other. At the moment in which a wave erases the other produces a resonant wave that “runs on the spot”, then the waves take the form of peaks and grooves. The height of the Peaks (crests, n.d.r.) depends on the frequency. This shape reminds the DNA which is a phenomenon in the configuration of the wave. The DNA is actually a sound wave and can be edited by other sound waves that sync your own frequency with his. […] The destructive synchronization occurs when the frequencies inharmonious vibrate other frequencies (such as those of the earth and the energy fields humans) in a state of imbalance and distortion”. […]
The vibrations state of the RNA/DNA is synchronized with the false reality of the matrix (the “reality” reduced to the Tiny range of frequencies coinciding with the visible light, n.d.r.). Not only that, this situation also entails disabling many DNA strands, leaving only two. (In fact some scientists speculate that a time the human DNA had twelve filaments… n.d.r.). A significant fact is that the musical frequency standard - that of the Diapason - because of the elites, was officially fixed to 440 Hertz to note “the”, which corresponds to the change of all other notes. This rule was adopted in 1917 by the American Federation of Musicians and in 1920 became the standard us; in Germany in 1939 the National Socialists imposed that the note “the” was granted on 440 hertz.

“Before the standardization of the tuning fork to 440 Hertz (unification already advocated at the end of the nineteenth century by the Church of Rome and opposed by Giuseppe Verdi, n.d.r.), the frequency was mostly fixed to 432 hertz. The original Stradivarius violin was built to be granted to 432 Hertz which is a multiple of 54 cycles of 8: this is the vibration which harmonizes the two hemispheres of the brain. The real universe should be based on a series of frequencies and harmonics, series including the numbers 72, 144 and 432, which is very interesting, because 72 is obtained by multiplying 9 x 8; 144 is the result of 18 x 8 and 432 54 x 8”.

The numbers 8, 72, 144, 432 rely too often in various traditions (myths, religions, art etc.) to be random and are sacred numbers, where the 440 it is not. The Institute Schiller, with headquarters in Washington D.C., fights for the restoration of the intonation to 432 hertz, arguing that “the current standard might cause a harmful effect on health and an antisocial behavior”. The 440 hertz are dissonant. […] When the inner ear is under stress due to artificial interference (for example, the buzz of Taos, n.d.r.), we can experience a sort of brain fog or groggy feel. The DNA operates in accordance with the principles of the Phi and the number of the Fibonacci and is able to oscillate to protect themselves from the environment and from the wear and tear deriving from pattern of interference of the mechanical waves and electromagnetic forces.

The theme recurs: Dr Andrija Puharic, already in the fifties of the twentieth century, discovered that the frequencies affect the behavior and perception as well as on the RNA/DNA. The 8 hertz are connected to a state of awareness and sensitivity, 10, 8 hertz to anger and aggression, the 6.6 Hertz to depression. This is a compendium of part inferred from the chapter titled “The Matrix is a stationary wave (as well as the DNA)”. The description includes many other aspects and an aspect which assume that further research and reflections. We believe that, at least for now, may be sufficient these notes. We invite readers to analyze the subject which is rather complex, but rich in “synchronizes” belonging both to the tradition is to science, the real one, not a pseudo-science of Holocaust deniers and barons university students.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

10 Secret Alien Bases on Earth! (VIDEO)

In the years of 1960, has been carried out a nuclear test at about 30 km south west of Dulce, New Mexico, near US 64. A large nuclear explosion carried out under the project Plowshare, and was named Gassbuggy.According to Thomas Castello, a former security officer of the Dulce base, this particular subterranean structure and a highly secret managed by humans as well as aliens reptilians, which work to a dark project. It would seem that this project should work together even the so-called “gray”. In this place, it seems, there are a multitude of projects of experimentation. Primarily genetic experiments on men kidnapped, women and children.

You have seen from near this video and try to understand different situations that are trying to make it difficult for the interpretative situations. Carefully observed and look for the difference in the face of so many situations really difficult interpretation. Your said

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