Hunters of UFO claim to have found the images of the access doors to underground bases. These possible structures seem to have been built by aliens, that perhaps they want to hide their presence to any visitors from other planets.
Alien Base On Mars |

THe im ages that show the alleged alien structures, discovered on Google Earth, have been published on YouTube by Sandra Elena Andrade, the December 2, 2015. However, some sources report that the mysterious structures were originally discovered by the prolific hunters of martian anomalies, such as Marcelo Irazusta, which said they had detected some structures, despite the efforts of NASA to hide the images using the software Photoshop.According to the UFO researcher Scott Waring, the photos can be seen in the video shows the input, carefully concealed, to an underground base for huge alien spaceships. The images displayed on YouTube by Andrade, are suspect, then may show the proof of the alien presence on Mars. Thousands of people and curious of the Community evolved into interviewing experiences have seen the movie. Many fans seem to be convinced that these images are proof authentic and reliable alien life on Mars.Even if the hunter Dahboo77 UFO, which has published the video below, argues that some of the structures still appear to have aliens that occupy the base. Waring believes instead that it is likely that the structures buried secret, which is located at the coordinates 45 ° 57 '03.88 “N 23 ° 32 '27.16 “ may have been abandoned by aliens who built in the past and should serve as an ideal place for the first human settlement on Mars.THE Skywacther Dahboo777 has expressed enthusiasm for the discovery and gets angry with NASA which does nothing but hide evidence of alien life on Mars. According to him, it would have been impossible for NASA to pretend that a huge underground input on Mars could be only a rock formation or.....a simple shadow. He insists that this recent evidence is very clear and undeniable. He has also criticized the skeptics who argue the policy of the Cover-Up of the NASA, that is, to hide the truth about aliens and UFOS, as well as the presence of ancient civilizations and archaeological finds on Mars, reinventing ingenious excuse to close the history on photographic evidence and video relating to extraterrestrial visit on Earth and on other planets of the solar system.

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