Showing posts with label UFO AND EXTRATERRESTRIAL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UFO AND EXTRATERRESTRIAL. Show all posts

Saturday, January 2, 2016

The subject "PLASMOID" sighted and recorded in the skies of New York... Changed the form!

The movie that we are presenting you today concerns the case of a spectacular UFO sighting occurred in New York a few months ago, analyzed and presented on TercerMilenio TV, by journalist Jaime Maussan and from the UFO investigator Carlos Clemente.

The movie has been examined several times and in addition to the confirmation that what is Tony has seen and documented, corresponds to an object defined by researchers, a UFO plasmoid. The event occurred late in the afternoon of 12 September 2015, when Skywatcher one of New York. Named Tony, managed to record with special equipment, a mysterious object (plasma orb) that was stationary in the sky over New York.
Observing highly the movie, it can be seen that the object visible, is absolutely not a star, planet or other light source that can be blurred due to the consequent “geometric aberration” of the image due to turn failure to focus on the part of the optical system of the camera.
As said above, ufologists define this object a UFO - plasma or plasmoid, which continues to change its shape in the sky. Sometimes this object seems to be a sort of ball and sometimes instead presents figures different geometric and gold color. Watch the movie!

Friday, December 25, 2015

A DOCTOR OF MONTANA photographing a UFO thanks to a program that captures moving objects

Clancy, Montana (USA) - for almost two years Dr Richard O'Connor has held two Cameras bets toward the sky, with hope and profound conviction that something might hide the outside. And then, after almost 280,000 photographs captured by the detector (sensor) of movement, happened what he sooner or later was expected.
But the results of O'Connor, of what he believes are two unidentified flying objects, has unleashed a flurry of email exchanges, some of which of the people of the community of fans and experts of UFOS, other than skeptical poisoned and against him.

“There seems to be a source of light,” said O'Connor. “According to me, even a skeptic inveterate would have said 'Wow, this is what I expect… a UFO would be similar'”. Toward midday on 4 November 2015, its cameras equipped with software with motion sensors, have recorded five pictures of something which flew through the skies of Montana that is difficult for some to explain.

The answers to this mystery certainly remain pending and with a question mark. But his discovery has been a matter of some debate, leaving the physician the possibility find experts pictures to determine what if objects are not reflected or aberrations and better observe its cameras that have captured UFOS.

In the images are clear two aspects. The first that we are in front of two objects that reflect sunlight and possess a discoidal shape. Safe are not aberrations or reflections of poultry or other.


Friday, December 18, 2015


A crazy event that has very few preceding in the world. This is the sighting of a UFO (or entity steering wheel) took place on a field between Sevastopol and Danesk in Crimea (Russia) on October 30, 2015. The witness has registered a mysterious entity of white color, luminescent, that assumed the shape of a “cross”, from heaven was lowered on a field.

Suddenly this bright object, after get rested on the vegetation for a few seconds, and rose again toward the sky but at a height of about 200-300 meters, and is transformed back into a “cross of light”. The witness also has testified that the cross of light seemed pulsate, as if she was alive. Then he pronounced the flight in the sky until it disappears. Watch the movie presented by TV Tercemilenio (Mexico), where the journalist Jaime Maussan also recalls two episodes almost similar, concerning sightings of “crosses of light” sighted in the skies of Volgograd Russia the June 5, 2014, Donestk (Ukraine) June2015 and finally, always in Ukraine this to Sebastopolis. The same Maussan has also advanced the hypothesis that these “crosses bright” can be “signs” of global events upcoming, such as a possible third World War. We hope in an aid from the top…

To you the WISDOM through this video: PLAY

Thursday, December 17, 2015


The event, cataloged by MUFON (Mutual Ufon Network) with the abbreviation 58504 dates back to July 29 of last year. Protagonist, a man residing in Ontario, one of the most populous Canadian provinces. The witness can be observed and manages to capture, in the middle of the day, an object not identified that flies over the area at low altitude while standing under a military aircraft in transit.The object is unusual maneuvers and draws the attention of the man who snaps a photo and it runs a short video that, subsequently, will send investigators to the organization evolved into interviewing experiences united states for further study. No particular description accompanies the images if not the one that the UFO suddenly retracted with the speed of a bullet. Bob Mitchell, the investigator who has been involved in the case, says that the size of the images is far too small to be examined in depth, so many that the object is not detectable, which is however possible to do in the photo attached to the video: in it, in fact, it can be clearly seen an object of disc-shaped and silvery, positioned under the military aircraft. The next interview carried out with the witness adds to the case interesting elements: the UFO did not reveal any sound, it had no wings, neither lights nor propellers visible.

The size, comparable roughly half of the military aircraft, they were still all respect. Man, in that moment accompanied by some of my friends says that the strange boat does not note in the pictures because of too much light and consequently it was impossible to see it even with the naked eye. Otherwise, in the photograph, on the other hand managed to capture it thanks to the changed conditions of visibility.

(credit MUFON)

The case has been classified by MUFON as has not been identified.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

SPECTACULAR UFO sighting TO HAVEFORD, Pennsylvania (USA) --- VIDEO ---

The incredible video that show you, regards the sighting of a flying disk that rests on the town of Haveford, Pennsylvania. The witness, Bryant Reaper Ervin, told me on Facebook that on the evening of November 27, 2015, while he was at work in the dealership of the Lexus, has noticed a disc-shaped object that was stationed in the sky, a few hundred meters from the workplace.

Here is his comment on Facebook: “I saw this thing yesterday, as soon as I came out from my office at the Lexus dealership of Haverford. This is not fake ... as you can see the different angles and how long I was outside to observe the mysterious object. I don't know what the hell is.”
Looking closely at all the video recorded the evening of 27 November, the airplane mysterious dark in color, stands the town of Haveford, moving slowly from one part to another in the same location. During the vision of the video, it may be observed as the UFO, seems to change shape, and being low-altitude above the houses, this no sound or particular noise.

To you the WISDOM through this video: PLAY


The spectacular images that show you, they have been submitted by YouTube channel UFOVNI and concern the sighting of a fleet of balls of light. The fact is what happened in the month of September 2015, when one evening some of the people who were walking along a road in the outskirts of Krakow (Poland), are aware of the presence of some balls of light (about 7-8) that flew at low altitude over a field of maize (or corn).

When the witnesses are aware of the presence of balls, you are immediately walked through the field to go to see more closely what it was. One of these shiny objects, has begun to fly above the witnesses as to watch them closely. Then the ball is light and reunited with the other and they are all disappeared into the darkness of night. Here we're talking about a sighting truly amazing, not the usual recovery that we are accustomed to see especially in Tg, but of a resumption to man height that precisely manages to inqudrare this spectacular display by objects not identified. Watch the movie!

To you the WISDOM through this video: PLAY

Friday, December 11, 2015


In addition to the political storm aroused by shocking rantings from Donald Trump, they might have annoyed not only Muslims but also another category of “foreigners” from distant planets, of which would be prevented from entering the United States because it is part of the categories of persons who are particularly unsympathetic to the extrovert candidate in the White House. It is not surprising that intelligence is trying to study the serious disorders adaptive associate, the future leader possessed by worried ideals of the extreme right. What was following the helicopter of the republican Donald Trump, while circling a fair organized on the occasion of his election campaign?
The mysterious flying object appeared behind the helicopter of the magnate has also been observed by a group of children of Iowa. The photo above was taken by a witness that through his mobile phone he wanted to document the flight of the helicopter of Donald Trump. From preface my remarks by saying that the object does not become visible at the time of the photo shoot, but was only noticed in a next step while the witness observes its digital snapshots. The spokesman of the Mutual UFO Network of Iowa, which deals with these
sightings, says that are under investigation to explain the unusual close encounter. The spokesman of the MUFON Roger Marshall, says that the object could be anything except a second helicopter or a bird. Only through the analysis of photographs it can reach a final conclusion on the true origin of the flying object.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


The evening of November 16, 2015, astronaut Scott Kelly, which is located on board the International Space Station, has twitted a photo taken while the ISS was above India. At first sight, nothing strange, but lovers of ufology are managed to see a foreign body in the photo which, in his opinion, may be a ship of extraterrestrial origin. At the top right of the picture you can clearly see a large object with two ports on each end.

Some ufologists have suggested that Scott intends to insert this image into the network, in order to teach the general public about the existence of extraterrestrials. In addition, it is worth noting that the astronaut has took the picture when the space station flew over India.
The researcher Scott Waring says that the picture clearly shows one of the alien ships that emanates a shining flash. The subject has the shape of a cigar, with a possible length of approximately 200 meters.


The recent investigation of Mexican researcher Carlos Clement of TercerMilenio TV, presented by journalist Jaime Maussan, focuses on the extraterrestrial presence in the world, especially in war zones. In the last video, recorded infrared fighter of the Russian Federation, were observed mysterious orbs of light that fly over precisely the war zones or epicenter of missile attacks.
Also during the second world war, often these objects were spotted by both British pilots of the RAF, or by American pilots of the US Navy or USAF. Indeed, they themselves have coined this term “foo fighter”, because during the bombing, were sighted mysterious balls of light or balls firefights. 
How do we explain this strange sighting? The glowing orb could be associated with some secret device similar to those observed by the pilots of the bombers during the second world war? These events are perhaps related to the interest of a certain understanding for our bloody conflicts without sense? Is not the first time that pilots have reported their experiences related to sighting of strange glowing balls that already in the middle of the years 40 seemed to rage in the skies of Europe and the Pacific during the Second World War.

Watch the movie of the bombing in Syria!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

UFO sighting SPECTACULAR, above the sea 19/09/2003 [VIDEO]

Many are hoaxes, many witnesses are recounting to municipalities that do not know, for example, recognize a simple planetary conjunction in the firmament of heaven, but some are worthy of serious attention. We live in an age where they are born, like mushrooms, countless 'revelations' about UFOs and alien civilizations scattered in the infinite universe. In this category come to the right statements of the astronauts, people with a scientific and operational excellent, that lately are more likely to say too much about the possible presence of extraterrestrial civilizations. And while scientists conservatives, diminishing the scope of the statements of Grunsfled, argue that alien life is largely composed of microbes, another astronaut of French nationality goes further, by placing the UFO in question. In the light of these important statements, we ask a legitimate question: Is it really a revelation at the gates officer on the question UFOs and aliens?

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