Showing posts with label STORY AND NEWS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label STORY AND NEWS. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


In far away the past, mysterious beings not humans, have visited the Tanzania, East Africa. People of the place saw them and have whatchamacallits recorded their presence for the future generations, through some paintings. These paintings are found up on hills of Kondoa and represent the regarding diary of events the extraterrestrial visits, happened 29,000 years ago.

The paintings of Kondoa Irangi rock, are a series of coves dug in the flank of a hill that appears on the steppe, to approximately nine east kilometers of the main road that goes from Kondoa to Arusha, to approximately 20 km to north of Kondoa, in Tanzania. Like saying over, the ancient coves, are formed by full of rocks walls that sometimes go perpendicularly and are decorated with prehistoric paintings (the Paintings Kondoa Irangi Rock), many of which represent mysterious beings of extraterrestrial origin and objects in the shape of flying saucer.
Many of these beings are represented beings with large witness and thin body, while their stature is much lowland. Other beings described in the paintings, have a completely various appearance; they are high with the long hair, hands and feet. More amazing it is the third style in the paintings of the Tanzania, that they represent elevated figures extremely – (giant).
Also, Spaceships UFO are represented in this millinery an art rocky and are very similar to the UFO of the modern times. According to anthropologist Maria Leakey, they could be the trees or “mythical beings” or to have some meaning that escapes to us”, as Africa Vanishing Art wrote in its fascinating book “: the cave paintings of the Tanzania”.

“They could be some “masked humans” or mythological beings” Always second the Leakey doctor, “is difficult however to give a just explanation, since the ancient paintings are many complex, indeed, has noticed, for example, than many described beings they have only four long fingers. Therefore, the mystery remains”.

Between the many other seen amazing symbols on the full of rocks walls, are for example, “single” and look for, that they are irradiated online. However, for many of we, these prehistoric representations ago show averse visits that have taken place or many times over in this region of the East Africa, thousands of years.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Light signals in the sky; a first attempt of contact?

The following cases seem all to represent what for many they could be considered of the elementary attempts of communication through the exchange of light signals that sees involved some particularly managed people and of the coming dimensional Inter entities from who knows where.

In the month of November 1954, in New Lisboa(Angola), three witnesses who travel led on board of their car, noticed approaching itself to a height of 50 m a strange flying object of great dimensions whose form was that of an incandescent disc. From the device three were given off wrap luminous in direction of the motor vehicle forcing the driver to turn in a lateral road in the attempt to elude the UFO that seemed disposed not to give up the prey.
Not succeeding to stave off from the troublesome pursuit, the driver determined to face the intruder being tried to browbeat emitting it of the light signals through the ignition and the extinction of the lighthouses of the car.
In all answer, the UFO disabled all the lights with the exception of a small lighthouse that was ignited in the same way to intermittent of the lighthouses set in action from the ill-fated motorist. After to have issued a series of luminous signal lings, the UFO disappeared suddenly in the nothing.
In the month of March of 1967 to Shamokin(Pennsylvania) forest and its wife while they were on board of their motor vehicle they ran with a luminous flying object that it seemed to emit a series of lights buttons as if wanted to be made to notice and to interact with the two occupants of the vehicle.
After to have stopped the car, one of the spouses seized a flashlight that after they to have aimed in direction of the UFO this last one it began to flash emitting three short light signals.
The answer was not late to arrive as the UFO began to answer and to interact with the signal lings activating of the lights placed in the inferior part of the aircraft which they began to pulsate below in intermittent way for five or seven times. In the month of July 1967 to Newton (Nyo-Hemnshir) two former operators radar observed through a telescope an luminous object flying from the form oval, whose external perimeter was delimited by a series of lights of which a mail own to the center of the device. When one of the operators punt' its flashlight towards the object, this last one answered emitting three outbreaks of lights. This exchange of light signals was repeated for four consecutive times. To this point the operating radar began to make a series luminous signal lings with the flashlight, emitting a lightning bolt series of which along and a short one. Like answer, the object was illuminated answering to the light signals, own like in the film of sci-fi Independence Day.

The same one happened when the operating radar began to emit a series of four lightning bolts with its flashlight. Similar incidents have happened also in 1957 in Illinois, and 1969in the Wyoming and on a road of Göteborg(Sweden). In the described example below, it is brought back as an identified flying device did not try to communicate in 1970 with the crew of the Polish ship “Kopalnya Valbzhih”, in navigation in the Mediterranean Sea between Valencia and Majorca.
In fact, in that occasion the crew saw an enormous ship to head towards a flying object that it projected a strange luminous bundle vertically.
When the ship reached on the place of the sight, from the object five light signals were given off.
UFO and the exchange of signs with the aircraft s.
In the month of October 1955 to Saint Bernardino (CA), a pilot reported as a UFO tried to interact with the lights of signal ling of the airplane in phase of landing.
In the month of January 1977, an airplane of a Columbian company was flying to a height of 6km, when it was approached by an incandescent flying object of remarkable dimensions, which quickly after disappeared to strong speed. After the lights the ignited pilot that had to signal the phase of landing, the luminous flying object changed color suddenly, passing from the green the red one. When the pilot (Ferreira, this is its name) extinguished the lights of the aircraft, the UFO returned to assume the color original.
11 Feb 1988 was observed an object flying in the shape of which provided with parachute three powerful placed luminous sources on the frontal part.
In front of thousands of witnesses the flying object remained suspended for beyond 3 hours to an altitude of 3.000 meters over the city of Beira (Mozambique).
During a phase of approach, an airliner whose shape was illuminated by the navigation lights, was approached by a strange flying object which after to have issued of the short but intense flares, disappeared from the sight heading towards south. In 1976, six similar cases regarded the appearance of luminous flying objects that they seemed to want to interact with identifying the luminous one of the airplane. In all these cases, the witnesses had the impression as if the UFO wanted to communicate with the staff of edge of the airplane and to imitate their luminous signal lings.
In the month of August 1977, in proximity of the famous Triangle of the Bermudas, a pilot of Columbian airplane reported to have observed approaching itself of a luminous unidentified flying object that she came immediately marked radio to the staff of the control tower. With great surprise of the pilot, the UFO executed with precision of the fast and evil-may-care maneuvers around the airplane in order then to vanish itself in the sky.
A Spanish television broadcasting station brought back an encounter drawn closer happened in the month of May 1989, when a pilot of the airline “Iberia”, it noticed some luminous devices while it was in flight indirection of Alicante.
These disowned aircraft s were approached strong speed in order then to stop themselves to a distance of 10 m from the airplane escorting it for 5-6 minutes.
Trying to enter in contact with the flying object the pilot actuate the luminous signal lings of edge, sending radio a demand for OK in order to assess that the pilot of the flying object had interpreted the signal lings correctly. In answer to this luminous approach the flying object answered in the same way as in order to make to understand the pilot to have received the message. The third case is described by a witness in a letter sent to the central Commission for the anomalous phenomena.

The case refers to the sight of an enormous happened object flying in August of 1972 near the village of Brighi (LatvSSR), where one of the three eyewitnesses observe as a UFO seemed to correctly execute the commands given radio from the pilot.
Until now nobody has questioned the testimonies of the numerous pilots for which not there are the foundations in order to consider that all these cases are only of the mystification yield of erroneous interpretations.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Obama and its secrets!

Who in the arc of own existence has not tried at least once to take advantage of the relationship degree in order to reach an which aimed at result,or to find a place of work or to make themselves to make a loan? Many, I am sure! But not always to have relationships of relationship with high ranking people door to the hoped results.In the USA instead who he is relative, also in the long run, of a President it has good possibility to be elect in its turn US President. It seems strange, nevertheless it has happened in order almost all the presidents (except perhaps a pair). Barack Obama does not escape to this rule.The black President in reality had a white mother,died of cancer in 1955, Stanley Ann Dunham Seotoro, ancestors of the mother were George Washington Overall and Mary Duvall. But this is nothing!
Now I astonish to you:
- Obama and Bush Jr are cousins es of 11°degree through Samuel Hinckley, and therefore president is become related also with Bush Senior- Obama is become related with Harry Truman (33° president) through Mareen Duvall- Obama is cousins of 8°degree with Jimmy Carter (39°) the husband far cousins of Obama is Woodrow Wilson (28° president) - Obama same has written that one of own ancestors is Davis JeffersonThe real blood none other than slides in the veins of Obama being its ancestors Guglielmo I° (the king Leone) and Enrico II° of England.Where I want to arrive? you will wonder, from no part. Even if to tell the truth to think badly often one guesses to us, it could seem a case,and if instead it were not a case? Also candidate Mc Cain has i its illustrious relatives and speaks about former presidents and people of real blood, just for the sake of to cite Roberto I° of Scotland, not any but a Merovingian of high rank.My conclusion is that the majority of the USA presidents has degrees of relationship with real English and therefore I am inclined to think that is a tending planning to control a part of the populations of the world from little electing.

Nostradamus: "The war will start from France and Rome will disappear"

The great war will begin in France and then throughout Europe will be hit, long and terrible it will be for everyone… then finally will be peace, but in a few nor will enjoy

Thus spoke Nostradamus in his book, and the echo left of those words are superimposed on the terrible images of the massacres of Paris last Friday. According to another step of the volume the prophecies, the most famous book french astrologer, active in 1500, here's what happens: “There will be many horses of Cossack s (nomadic population's tartars that dwelt in Russian steppes) that they drink in fountains of Rome”.
Not only that: “ … Rome will disappear and the fire will fall from heaven and destroy three cities. Everything you believe lost and you will not see that murders; you will not hear that noise of weapons and blasphemies. The righteous will suffer. (…) Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist. The demons of the air, with the Antichrist, will make the great wonders on earth and in the air and the men pervert increasingly… “.

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