In far away the past, mysterious beings not humans, have visited the Tanzania, East Africa. People of the place saw them and have whatchamacallits recorded their presence for the future generations, through some paintings. These paintings are found up on hills of Kondoa and represent the regarding diary of events the extraterrestrial visits, happened 29,000 years ago.

The paintings of Kondoa Irangi rock, are a series of coves dug in the flank of a hill that appears on the steppe, to approximately nine east kilometers of the main road that goes from Kondoa to Arusha, to approximately 20 km to north of Kondoa, in Tanzania. Like saying over, the ancient coves, are formed by full of rocks walls that sometimes go perpendicularly and are decorated with prehistoric paintings (the Paintings Kondoa Irangi Rock), many of which represent mysterious beings of extraterrestrial origin and objects in the shape of flying saucer.
Many of these beings are represented beings with large witness and thin body, while their stature is much lowland. Other beings described in the paintings, have a completely various appearance; they are high with the long hair, hands and feet. More amazing it is the third style in the paintings of the Tanzania, that they represent elevated figures extremely – (giant).
Also, Spaceships UFO are represented in this millinery an art rocky and are very similar to the UFO of the modern times. According to anthropologist Maria Leakey, they could be the trees or “mythical beings” or to have some meaning that escapes to us”, as Africa Vanishing Art wrote in its fascinating book “: the cave paintings of the Tanzania”.
“They could be some “masked humans” or mythological beings” Always second the Leakey doctor, “is difficult however to give a just explanation, since the ancient paintings are many complex, indeed, has noticed, for example, than many described beings they have only four long fingers. Therefore, the mystery remains”.
Between the many other seen amazing symbols on the full of rocks walls, are for example, “single” and look for, that they are irradiated online. However, for many of we, these prehistoric representations ago show averse visits that have taken place or many times over in this region of the East Africa, thousands of years.