Sunday, November 22, 2015

UFO sighting SPECTACULAR, above the sea 19/09/2003 [VIDEO]

Many are hoaxes, many witnesses are recounting to municipalities that do not know, for example, recognize a simple planetary conjunction in the firmament of heaven, but some are worthy of serious attention. We live in an age where they are born, like mushrooms, countless 'revelations' about UFOs and alien civilizations scattered in the infinite universe. In this category come to the right statements of the astronauts, people with a scientific and operational excellent, that lately are more likely to say too much about the possible presence of extraterrestrial civilizations. And while scientists conservatives, diminishing the scope of the statements of Grunsfled, argue that alien life is largely composed of microbes, another astronaut of French nationality goes further, by placing the UFO in question. In the light of these important statements, we ask a legitimate question: Is it really a revelation at the gates officer on the question UFOs and aliens?

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