Wednesday, December 16, 2015


According to the simulation each time passing through the core of the Earth, the particles that make up the dark matter, the nature of which is still quite unknown, you will descend upon in 'Roots' which is progressively thinned out in long strands up to one million kilometers.


The Solar System, the earth, and all the other planets, would be wrapped in long strands or “hair” made of dark matter. The invisible matter that occupies almost 27% of the Universe would invest constantly our planet, as well as all other celestial bodies, crossing the core and producing long filaments. The indicates the simulation published in the Astrophysical Journal and conduct in the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) of the Nasa from the group of Gary Prezeau. The filaments or hair facts of this matter mysterious, would also of nodes that would form when the dark matter passes through the layers of the Earth that have different densities, from inner core to the external one, up to the mantle and the crust. The difference in the density of these layers would be reflected in the structure of the filaments.

The only light of his presence and the gravity that exerts on ordinary matter, that is to say, that which we see and of which we are made we also be human and that would be just 5% of the cosmos; the remaining 68% would be composed of dark energy, which is thought to be the engine of the acceleration of the expansion of the universe.
If you could observe the nodes of dark matter, their characteristics could tell how it's done the internal structure of other planets. Unfortunately, this is still impossible because the dark matter has never been directly observed. According to the physical is made of particles cold and obscure, that do not emit light and even interact with it. According to the calculations and simulations over the past ten years, in the Milky Way there would be streams of dark matter that move at the same speed of our galaxy. “A stream can be much larger than the Solar System, and there are many streams that pass in our neighborhood,” said Prezeau. And when one of these 'current' passes through a planet like the Earth which, according to the simulation, the particles are concentrated in very thin filaments and very dense, hair-like.
Astronomers call it Cosmic Web, a network immense that permeates the Universe, made up of many strands, among the largest structures ever existing, where every single stranded and turn a set of gas, galaxies and clusters of galaxies, which surrounds the voids of the universe itself. Today, a team of researchers, using one of the telescopes of the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii, reveals for the first time a part of this network of filaments, shedding light on the mysterious structure of the Universe.

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