The film that we show you, regards the recording of a presumed “extraterrestrial contact” (or interaction with entity ET) that it is recorded by a group of members of the CSETI commanded from the Dr. Steven Greer, during a training of advanced conscience (Remote not local conscience and View via Consciousness” – to visualize at a distance with the knowledge). The event has been the result of an invitation started from the members of the CSETI, using form-thought and of meditation, famous also like, Protocol CE-5. The fact has happened the evening of 27 January 2015 to Vero Beach, city of United states situated in Florida, the County of Indian River.
The CE-5 is one of the debated protocols more and at a distance interests the access of group to the not local conscience, continuation from “Remote Viewing” (vision, through the knowledge) of spaceship ET or of people to great distance or neighbors. Once that an object or person comes “captured” and observed, the process is invert and the object or person is directed to the place of search of the CSETI via CIV, one element that transmits from earth a direction of the visual thought. To the object/person ET is clearly shown our coordinates via element CIV. The experiment of search ET, second such protocol, tries of RV the object (“Remote View via Consciousness” – to visualize at a distance with the knowledge), to connect itself to its telemetries system CAT and to transmit or to guide the object to our precise place.
The witnesses are sure that the mysterious sighted and recorded lights, were UFO, but second other people, these two lights are of Bengal of signal ling of the American artillery. A member of the CSETI, Mark Simmons has said: “I was there and to look with a pair of AN/PVS-7B, glasses for the night vision. Not there were airplane in that zone in the sky, before, during and after the manifestation of these lights that all we have seen. Moreover, I have not seen the smoke, and if they had been Bengal would have been seen immediately. Any type of smoke would be illuminated by the flares and a wake of smoke/spandrel would have been visible in the glasses Infrared after the event. Here below the film that I consider very interesting.
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