Wednesday, November 25, 2015


New record to the teleportation: the information contained in a particle of light was transferred through an optical fiber at 100 kilometers away, four times farther away than the previous record. The result, announced in the magazine Optica from the US-based Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), demonstrates that the internet super fast based on quantum physics and increasingly close. In contrast to what is described in the stories of science fiction, the teleportation carried out in the experiment consists in the transfer (or better, in the reconstruction at a distance) of the physical properties of a particle of light (photon).

Researchers were able to transmit it to another photon through 102 kilometers of optical fiber wound in their laboratory in Colorado. Other research groups in the past had already teleported photons on distances even higher through the air, but the choice to use as a means the conventional optical fibers offers the possibility to draw networks more flexible, also with a view to a future network super fast internet based on the principles of quantum mechanics. The experiments made previously had proved that the optical fiber involved such a dispersion of data by limiting the transmission in the stream is in the distance covered. The new technique of teleportation of the NIST could be used precisely to overcome this problem by producing the 'repeaters' quantum bouncing periodically data thus allowing greater extension of the network. It had previously been thought that these repeaters could be based only on atoms or the matter, but this new study shows that could be developed more easily thanks to the light, allowing even greater transmission speed.

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