Wednesday, November 25, 2015



We all know that the official science does not recognize the existence of supernatural phenomena, because these are not reproducible in the laboratory, in other words…the famous empirical evidence, the research that bases his conclusions on the direct or indirect observation of the facts. On the other hand there are also movies recorded on several occasions by some photographic equipment, also with night vision system (Infrared), that actually show the features of objects and entities (attendance) that emit energy, which is not visible to the human eye, but visible under a given range of frequencies, as precisely those of the infrared and ultraviolet. Sometimes these entities or attendance, as the Orbs, are rarely visible, or only through the cameras or other photographic apparatuses.

For example, that lately happened in the city of Perth in Australia, is linked to other stories

documented, concerning the presence of mysterious “entity” visible not with the naked eye, but recorded by security cameras. The night of November 19, 2015, a surveillance camera mounted on a forklift truck, has registered a spectral presence in the parking lot in front of a shopping center.

And images are actually incredible and leave stunned researchers themselves of paranormal. Not by chance that the movie uploaded to Facebook and reported by English daily Mirror, has a clear title is round: “The incredible test of a real ghost”. In the video we show you below, you can observe a thin “silhouette white” which moves jerkily and with very strong speed inside the park, in that moment desert. As is well visible in the video, this entity moves next to the cars and jolted forward and backward just in front of the camera and then disappear into nothingness. Watch the movie!

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