Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The results of the tests on the DNA carried out on the skulls of Paracas, say that "ARE NOT HUMAN" VIDEO!

In 1928, the Peruvian archaeologist Julio Tello, made a surprising discovery: a huge cemetery containing tombs full of remains of individuals with larger elongated skulls are present throughout the world, the so-called skulls of Paracas. In total, the archaeologist Tello found over 300 of these elongated skulls, which is believed to date back to about 3,000 years ago. Subsequently, were conducted DNA analysis on one of the skulls and the expert Brien Foerster, released the first information concerning these skulls enigmatic.

The cranial volume is up to 25% larger and 60% heavier of human skulls traditional in the sense that they could not be intentionally deformed. Moreover also contain a single wall plate, instead of two. The fact that the characteristics of the skulls are not the result of a deformation of the skull, means that the cause of the elongation is a mystery and this was it for decades. It is well known that most of the elongated skulls are the result of a deformation of the skull, wherein the skull is intentionally deformed by applying a force at the level of the parietal lobes, frontal and OCCUPATIONAL skull for a long period. Usually, the pressure exerted on the skull, is made by ligating the head between two pieces of wood or rebind time the head with the canvas. However, while the cranial deformation changes the shape of the skull, does not alter its volume, weight or other characteristics that are peculiar to a human skull normal. The skulls Paracas, however, are different.

Mr Juan Navarro, owner and director of the Museum of History Paracas, which hosts a collection of 35 skulls of Paracas, has allowed the sampling on 5 of the skulls. These tests have been carried out by taking the samples consisting of hair, including roots, a tooth, a bone of the skull and the skin. This process has been carefully documented with photos and videos. Even the late Lloyd Pye, founder of the project Starchild, had collaborated in the delivery of the samples to a geneticist in Texas for DNA testing.

He will report on the results of the geneticist: "In mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) were present unknown mutations in any human being, primate animal or known so far. The results were amazing and Brien Foerster, author of more than ten books, famous authorities on ancient elongated heads of the people of South America, had just revealed the preliminary results of the analysis. Some fragments of this sample, indicate that we are dealing with a new creature of human type, very distant from the Homo sapiens by Neanderthal and from Denisovans. The implications are huge and I am not sure that it will adapt to the known evolutionary tree of the human race”, wrote Foerster.
He also added that: “If individuals of Paracas were so different biologically, would not have been able to cross with human beings.” The results must be replicated to multiple times and consequently many more analysis must be carried out before definitive conclusions can be drawn. We will give you an update on the development of this fascinating mystery.

To you the WISDOM through this video: PLAY


  1. Eu vi com meus olhos no Peru estes crânios.

  2. WOW homem, o que você acha que você já viu-los a viver? Walter Battaglia



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